Bojo in the Dojo despite excess of Mojo ?

Screenshot 2018-09-10 13.48.44

Reaction to the suicide-vest remark was predictable enough, it follows the pattern of moronic observations on the subject of Brexit ever since the first (and only!) referendum was announced. The whole process since the result has been littered with daft commentary – “we must know the outcome” (despite not having started negotiations); “it’ll be a disaster” (from either camp of the other side); “declare your negotiating position and save ‘big business'” (yup, that’ll work well for sure)… etc. etc.

But actually, leaving aside Bojo’s entertaining (at least for those of us merely spectating) personal life aside, what he’s saying makes perfect sense. The Chequers proposition was tantamount to surrender.

TheStickler has wondered what all of this is about for some time. Every plea of “we need more time” only perpetuates matters. The EU needs to be seen to give the UK a bloody nose for having the temerity to question its Eurocracy. But Herr Mercedes, Herr BMW and Herr Vorsprung durch Technik will gently remind the Chancellor (and let’s face it she is der Chef) that the 11th hour deal must be done and the planes will continue to fly, the production lines will churn and all will be well. Those who claim otherwise probably believed the Millennium Bug hogwash too.  The Irish border is a tricky one, but those advocating the “Norwegian” solution are therefore admitting that tech can work. With 199 days to go, implementing such tech is a challenge. And so pragmatism will produce an interim solution that will probably never get superceded – that’s the normal way these things are fudged. And there’s plenty of long grass along that border…

So please, no more “transition periods”, no extension to Article 50. Send the politicians off on hols until March 28th or so, and then they can sit down, fully refreshed and reminded of their duties, and wrap this all up in one glorious 36hr Brexathon, compromising all the way to the wire, and the stroke of midnight (but not from Big Ben, which will – and is there a metaphor here? – still be in pieces we’re told…) *

St Theresa will remain at the helm, Bojo has no minders these days and so will undoubtedly be giving others of a more fragrant disposition (and that position?) the slip instead, the Labour party will continue to implode, the new Centrist movement won’t get off the ground, everyone will be in their constituencies actually doing some good, or off in sunnier climes and not  plotting to overthrow their respective leader(s). Business as usual in fact – it’s not the Irish border issue that should be informing our debate here, it’s the fact that Northern Ireland seems to have managed perfectly well with no-one at the helm for months now. Pragmatism reigned, budgets were set and authorised, life continues exactly as it did before when the DUP and SinnFein met in their own micro Dojo and beat each other up relentlessly, but achieved no more than has been done by no-one since they were detached.

When it comes to the crunch in the run up to March 29th history will repeat itself. That’s the lesson from history that seems most reliable…


  • OK pedants, it’s 11PM UK time because that’s midnight over there… cut this poor hack a little artistic licence capice?



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