Time for The House of Cards to play Trump…


So, Super Tuesday is almost upon us.

Everyone seems pretty certain that Donald Trump will secure his position as front runner for the Republicans. Meanwhile Clinton is perhaps now countering Saunders more effectively, leaving the Democrat choice far less certain.

If Trump is to be stopped (and The Stickler believes he must) then the question Democrats now need to ask themselves is “Who will best pull in the votes of disaffected Republicans” because it looks as though the only way to stop Trump now will be a Democrat victory.

Anyone who appears to be able to engage brain before mouth would surely be a better choice of ally for the future? Regardless of their politics, a world leader should first of all be politic.

Does this really matter to us over here as we debate the pros and cons of Brexit? The Stickler thinks it does! Especially if Brexit was to occur, when that rather worn out relationship across the pond can be expected to become a little more “special” once again.

Either way, we’re much influenced by events and policies in the USA, and that’s not going to change any time soon whatever the referendum result.


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