The ultimate conspiracy theory…


So here is it, exclusively from TheStickler, and not to be taken with the slightest pinch of salt…

You may not have realised this, but World War 3 is in full swing. Germany has been on the offensive ever since re-unification, and has almost effortlessly established itself as the uber-power in the new modern Europe.

Isn’t this what happened back in WW2? And what turned things around? America’s entry into the war of course.

Shots have been fired, but due to a subtle change of ammunition few have noticed their impact.

Perhaps it’s not so surprising to realise what has been carefully orchestrated behind the scenes and has been playing out for quite some time…

Remember that very public and seemingly internecine warfare between the brothers Miliband? All artfully staged to provide brother David (clearly always the more capable of the two) with the perfect excuse to get out of the country, and establish himself as the link man to the Democrats, who coincidentally finally decide to promote Hillary Clinton as their candidate and bury the private email scandal etc. etc.

Trump is in on it too, because his business interests are perfectly aligned with a dominant USA and a weakened Europe. So his race for power is nothing more than a cynical ploy to ensure that the Republicans don’t win. Did anyone really think he wanted to be President? But with a “stop Trump at all costs” campaign driving new voters to the Democrats, La Clinton’s supremacy is as assured as anything can be.

The Duo Camborne are on side of course, and the “shock” arrival of Jezza as Leader of Her Majesty’s (non) Opposition surprised no-one who understood the master plan. We don’t need dissent in the ranks while we trash a few indigenous industries and appear to suck up to the East… some of that’s smokescreen of course so they don’t see what’s coming. Javid’s a new boy, might be a bit of a loose cannon, so pack him off to Australia and India while the plot unfolds. He’s one of the few politicos left with the brains and experience to figure things out for himself.

And then as the dust settles on the USA results, it’s Merkel 0 – Clinton 6 as the designer handbags swing on an international arena. The UK gains power in Europe (perhaps as a result of far greater renegotiations after a Brexit vote, but the plan works with either outcome, which is probably why no-one seems to be getting half as agitato as we might have expected about campaigning for in or out in the UK – it doesn’t matter a damn), and Germany loses influence.

Will there be a new Entente Cordiale? Well that’s perhaps pushing it (it’s only six hundred years since Agincourt n’est-ce pas?), but the French will certainly be keen to remain on good terms with whoever is setting the agenda for the new Mk3 Eurozone (yes, the return of a non-federalist Common Market), and with the USA firmly backing Britain that new European power house will toe the USA line.

So who’s got a thriving steel production industry aside from Germany and China? Heck, that would be the USA too.

See – it all fits. It must be true!

(This message will self destruct as the motorcyclists enter the tunnel).

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