The Brexit Bug


The planes will be grounded, production lines will grind to a halt, no-one will be able to drive “sur le continent”, food will decay in lorry parks on both sides of the Channel, financial transactions will be in French (or was that German) as everyone decamps to La Defense…

You couldn’t make this up. But that’s not stopping people it seems. Regardless of which side of the great remain/leave divide people are on, what unites them is their capacity to produce utter bollocks along the lines of the above.

But haven’t we heard this all before? And what happened? Zilch. Nada. Not a sausage. Do your wurst they cried… and we all got on with our lives.

Is The Stickler the only person who believes that common sense and pragmatism will get us through once more? Of course there’s a load of posturing going on, people were awarded months and months under Article 50 to behave like spoilt brats (Britain must be punished etc.) or to adopt ridiculous positions, and the fact that St Theresa is still at the helm merely reminds us that when people think with their brains instead of their cojones they realise that she is our interim caretaker, charged with apparently presiding over months of “negotiations” while no one gets anywhere and rhetoric abounds, before the impending deadline forces us (and the EU side) to get pragmatic, stop the nonsense, and sort it out.

There was never going to be any other outcome. So “no deal” is all that can happen, because no-one was ever going to come up with an acceptable deal in the first place. Parliament has already awarded itself the right to veto whatever is agreed anyway. Chequers is simply a fudge that had the life expectancy of a disgruntled lemming, and Bojo’s electronic frontier is chips-in-the-sky too. The Isle of Man is about to enjoy a major status upgrade as the only dry land border station in the Irish Sea!!! Well that and a few hexagonal basalt rock formations for the intrepid…

Except that won’t happen either, because you know what? There are some very clever people on both sides of the divide (and you can insert “The Channel” or “The Brexit Argument” there) and somewhere around March 20-somethingth they’ll stop posing and pontificating and all figure out a far better fudge than Chequers and everyone will breathe a huge sigh of relief, and life will continue as ever…

Will the UK have left the EU? In name it will look like it. In reality little will have changed. We’ll have asserted our independence by agreeing to copy EU rules and regulations to such an extent that the EU is happy to continue on the present terms. That means we’ll accept free immigration and the rest, because it’s not going to happen any other way. 27 other member states will see to that. But it doesn’t matter, because even if we had come up with some amazing “exit” deal, Parliament (which is fiercely pro Remain) would not have allowed it to happen anyway.

The whole process is a pantomime, being played out not so much to cries of “He’s behind you” as a realisation that no-one is who they appear to be, everyone is playing their roles to the hilt, and at the final curtain we’ll have enjoyed a lot of froth but nothing will have changed…

So thank you Mr Cameron for comprehensively diverting the nation from its tedium for several years and allowing all sorts of real issues to be neatly buried behind Brexit, or blamed on it.

To the barricades…




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